last LinqPad performance benchmark in this week - something to now about string.Empty and ""

 As we shall learn all life and never retire from learning - today my closed brain read rfm about using benchmarkDotNet in LPad, so  one can benchmark a code snippet by just selecting it and pressing CTRL+SHIT+B 

The tests were done for .Net 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 framework versions. As you will see, the results are pretty interesting (and I repeated them a few times)  giving us a few conclusions:

  • I was told to use string.Empty instead of "" for performance, not a case in those results, especially for v7.0
  • I am not sure if the benchmark runner has good ability to test those small operations and I even repeated in one case creation of  a string variables, but the results vere proportional.
  • I need to use full BenchmarkDotNet next time to compare those results, but inside I am curious why the is so big change in the timing.
  • I will still use string.Empty as for me it is easier to decode the code when reading


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