github time travelling explained (it is not what you are thinking about)
Do you know how much freedom we got by having git?
I am always amazed by reviewing pull requests where there is confirmed by a developer only one commit. By confirmed, I mean that I asked a dev if there was more of them, but mostly it is the only one that is pushed to the PR (sometimes there are 2 or 3 as the branch needed to be adjusted with the main/master one). That situation can bring a few issues:
- There is a risk that all changes will be lost when a device that is in use will have a big boom and there will be commit/push to the remote/global repo
- There is no restore point, which is helpful to try/test different solutions, CTRL+Z not always works as a charm
- Pushing code, in most cases, means that it will trigger CI/CD pipeline and find any issues early
So that means we are recording most actions, especially when our IDE is set to save file on focus change/file change.
As we can see below, the commits are only added when a change s persisted on disk, so when we are idle - nothing is added and we will don't need to travel over empty changes.
Below listing for a simple batch to auto-commit
As we are commiting to local branch, then no one shall see this commits..
git checkout __our_feature_or_bug_branch_
git merge --squash __local_branch_name_
git commit
Using gitUI,a rather gitk, you can browse commits and files and time travel
Now, ask yourself - how many hours lost you were experiencing by re-doing some changes that were overwritten, but not committed to the repo? I lost many hours, that is the reason I try to automate this and from time to time merge changes to feature branch and I am PUSHING code out of my workstation. (BTW some ppl use their one drive for a repo location, and they are complaining that all takes minutes to go.....)There is nothing for free, our local repo from time to time will require a bit of maintenance, but git will prompt you for that in the UI tool (see below), or on a command prompt as well.
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